You have chosen a pool, sand filtration, pump and now you are wondering how to connect everything for the pools? We will be happy to help you with this. You'll learn what pool control options are available, which ones to choose, what you can connect to them and where to place the equipment. You can then easily choose a control device for your garden or luxury pool.
Swimming pool distributor
This is the simplest and most common way of wiring pool technology, which you can easily do yourself. It is used for indoor pools and garden pools. You can connect the complete pool technology from pool filters, lights, switches, thermostats to situation and event indicators that alert you to faults. You can set timers for water filtration, pool cleaning processes and other pool events. A master switch makes it easy to turn technology on or off, and fuses inside the cabinet protect all the technology from overloading.

Advantages and disadvantages of the pool switchboard
A pool switchboard offers the following benefits:
- It is made of durable materials and resists corrosion.
- The material protects electrical equipment from water and moisture.
- Electricity flows through the switchboard to all pool equipment.
- Thanks to the switches, you can adjust, for example, the start of filtration.
- The pool switchboard can be customized.
- It will cost you a few thousand.
- You don't need the internet to work properly.
- You don't have to deal with any system updates.
However, the pool switchboards need to be checked regularly in person. For such an inspection, you have to set aside time, climb into the pool shaft and inspect everything with your eyes and manually check everything. If there is any problem or malfunction, you will not know immediately, but only at the next inspection. This can cause damage in the meantime.
At our company you can choose from a really wide range of pool control cabinets. Should the range not be enough for you, we can adapt many types to your requirements. Individual approach and customisation of products is a matter of course for us. Take a look, for example, at our customised plastic swimming pools or atypical plastic production.
Intelligent control
Intelligent control is also used to control and operate indoor pool technology as well as outdoor garden pools. However, it is a modern way of managing and controlling the pool. Smart control can communicate with all pool technology and send data to an Android or iOS mobile app. Through the IXmanager app, you can monitor water temperature, pH, chlorine level, but also control pool filtration, lighting, sensors and sensors. The app reports any errors and you can also set up individual pool cleaning processes. This makes it easy to achieve perfectly clean water.

Advantages and disadvantages of intelligent control
The advantages of smart control panels are:
- The ability to remotely control via mobile app.
- Easily schedule all tasks including time intervals for automatic cleaning.
- Automation makes the pool easier to maintain.
- Intelligent control can optimize energy consumption as well as the operation of pumps and filtration.
- You can monitor the ongoing processes and operations of the pool technology anytime and anywhere.
- You will save a lot of time with personal control.
- Thanks to error reporting, optimization of energy consumption and other benefits, you save money as a result.
When purchasing smart switchboards, you will probably be most surprised by their higher purchase price and installation costs. If you want to keep all the information online, you need to provide the switchboard with an internet connection, which can be more challenging in more remote parts of the garden. In the event of a poor internet connection, or a lack of system updates, technical problems can occur and the functionality of the pool equipment will be impaired.
Nevertheless, smart pool control has undeniable advantages, thanks to which many customers replace the original pool switchboards with smart control when renovating their pool. Read more tips and reasons to bet on modern pool technology in our in-depth article on smart pool controls.
Comparison of switchgear and intelligent control
So when to use which technology? How you connect and control the technology to your pool is primarily up to you. Both devices need to be connected to electricity, require regular checks and of course maintenance. The decisive criterion is therefore primarily your comfort and the demands on the water quality and overall condition of the pool.
The pool switchboard is sufficient for undemanding customers who do not need to be in control all the time and do not mind spending time on personal pool care. The intelligent control will be appreciated if you want to keep the pool care completely worry-free. The system itself measures all the important values and adjusts all the processes accordingly, so that you only need to visit the pool house or shaft once in a while.
Price comparison of pool controller and intelligent control
For many customers, price also plays a role when choosing a pool including the associated technology. While a pool switchboard may cost less initially, modern smart control technologies can help you save money when operating the pool itself. This is because it optimises the operation of the technology, extends its lifetime, reduces energy consumption and thus the overall cost of running the pool. As a result, your initial higher investment in a smart controller will pay off.
Of course, regular servicing of the pool technology will also extend the life of the technology, which we will be happy to take care of for you. You can also rely on us for the installation and wiring of pool technology or for the manufacture of plastic skimmer pools and plastic overflow pools.
Location and wiring of control equipment and pool technology
Both the pool controller and the smart control are placed in the pool shaft or pool technology house. In short, where other pool technology is located. Wiring is so convenient, you don't have to connect the devices with long cables or worry about a wetter environment. As already mentioned, pool technologies are designed to withstand humidity and can work for a long time even in humid environments near the pool.
Place all equipment at a height that is comfortable for you, so you don't have to bend or stretch to get to them, and everything is within easy reach. The equipment is not very large, so you don't have to set aside a lot of space for it and it can fit just about anywhere. However, think about yourself so that you can still fit comfortably in the pool house or pool technology shaft even after the technology is installed. You should also be able to turn around in the space, bend down, and get to all the technology from all sides.

Controls and pool technology are placed in the pool shaft or pool house where they are protected from moisture and are easily accessible.
Pool accessories including wiring and service
From pool pumps, sand filters and automatic dispensers for disinfecting pool water, to pool lighting, pool bench air conditioners and water heating, to solar panels and other pool technology, you can connect a complete range of pool technology to your pool control panel and smart control. In addition, your home spa with its whirlpool pool and cooling pool can also be connected to the smart controls and their own technologies. If you're interested in creating a private spa in your home, read on to see what options we offer.
We not only sell pools and their accessories, but we also provide service for them, including pool technology refurbishment. With regular servicing, we can extend the life of your pool technology by several seasons. Therefore, contact the experts who can service your pool, pool lights, pool filtration, heat pumps or customized pool manufacturing and construction.
Pool controls from luxury plastic pool manufacturers
Pool control panels as well as smart controls are used to control pool technology, measure pH, chlorine, or run pool filtration. They are installed in pool houses or manholes along with other pool technology. In our experience and according to references from our satisfied customers, the purchase of a smart control is worthwhile in the long run. Thanks to the mobile app, you get a great overview of the status of your pools and save a lot of time and trouble in pool care.
For more advice and tips on choosing pools and pool technology, please visit our blog. We can advise you on choosing a good quality pool, the shape of your pool and pool steps, choosing a roof, as well as deciding whether to go for an overflow or skimmer pool. Explore our blog, our range of services and products, and feel free to contact us if you have any questions. We are here for you.